Check out the many groups in Germantown that are working to improve our commercial district
and our way of life.
You might want to join some of them or advertise your business.
This is Germantown is a new site to promote commercial development.
Germantown United Community Development Corporation
Their mission is to promote and facilitate the revitalization of Germantown’s business corridors through a sustainable, creative, and community-driven approach to economic development.
PKNA lies within this CDC. It is focused on the Central Germantown Business Corridor which is bounded by Chelten Avenue between Baynton and Morris streets; Germantown Avenue between Washington Lane and Berkley Street; Maplewood Mall; and short stretches of important intersecting streets such as Greene Street, Wayne Avenue, and Pulaski Avenue. The yellow line in the map of Germantown demarcates GUCDC’s boundaries. View an expanded image of the map or download a PDF >>
The Germantown Historical Society